The Disparate Impact of Fibroids and how Diet, Lifestyle and Cannabis Can Help

Uterine fibroids are benign tumors of the uterus that can cause abnormally heavy bleeding, severe pelvic pain and anemia.  Fibroids are the primary cause for hysterectomy for women in the US.  Several epidemiological studies have documented a significantly higher incidence of uterine fibroids in black women compared to white women. Black women also suffer from more severe disease at a younger age, with larger, more numerous and rapidly growing fibroids compared to white women. Studies show that the rate of hospitalization for fibroids is three times higher for black women than white women.

 Without a doubt, a black woman's quality of life is more adversely affected by fibroids and her economic burden is greater (loss of work, medical bills, etc.), though data specifically looking at racial or ethnic differences on economic impact and quality of life are lacking.

 Dietary changes may help relieve the symptoms of uterine fibroids, such as avoiding a diet high in red meat (beef, ham, or lamb) and high energy-dense foods, which are foods that contain lots of calories, fat, and sugar. Replacing red meat with white meat (chicken or turkey) may help, or by eating a vegetarian diet.

 Also avoiding sugar and alcoholic beverages, especially beer, may help reduce pain and inflammation related to fibroids.  Beer contains hops, which is a phytoestrogen that can fuel fibroid growth.  Flaxseeds, soybeans, soymilk and some other soy-containing foods contain high levels of phytoestrogens that can promote the growth of fibroids.  Reducing consumption of these foods may be one step to experiencing some relief.

Consuming an anti-inflammatory diet may protect against fibroids and also increase the healthfulness of a person’s diet. These include: 

  • oily fish, such as salmon and mackerel

  • foods rich in flavonoids, including berries, apples and onions

  • green vegetables, such as broccoli, spinach, kale and collard

  • green tea

  • curcumin found in the tumeric spice

  • Cannabis: Because inflammatory processes are involved in promoting fibroid growth, incorporating a CBD-rich tincture into one’s daily regimen could help to reduce pain and inflammation.

Nicole Skibola