Views on Menopause, Perimenopause, and Cannabis

Women in menopause are at an increased risk of osteoporosis, autoimmune disease and other inflammatory-related conditions.  Menopausal and perimenopausal women are likely to experience a number of unpleasant and at times severe symptoms including:


•       Hot flashes/night sweats

•       Anxiety and depression

•       Insomnia

•       Chronic pain conditions

•       Vaginal dryness and atrophy


What can help?  Minimizing pain, anxiety, and night sweats can help address chronic insomnia and lead to a better night sleep.

  • THC and CBD are known for their pain-reducing and anti-inflammatory effects by various mechanisms that have been described in the scientific literature.  Daily consumption of full spectrum tinctures may provide some relief.


During the day:  Cosmic View Restore 3:1 or Lovely Day 1:1 tincture (1/2 - 1 dropperful)

For evening: Cosmic View Slumber 1:4 CBD:THC tincture (1/2 - 1 dropperful)

  • Based on animal and human studies, CBD has been shown to have anti-anxiety and anti-depressive effects. 

Recommendation: Cosmic View 20:1 High CBD or 3:1 Restore Tincture (1/2 – 1 dropperful) daily

  • Studies also show that THC and CBD may help reduce night sweats and body temperature:  A 2019 study found that 5 mg of dronabinol (a synthetic form of THC) before bed decreased or completely eliminated night sweats in cancer patients.  A reduction in anxiety and fatigue was also observed. Animal studies found that administration of a 4:1 CBD:THC formulation significantly decreased body temperature.  These studies suggest that CBD and THC can mitigate hot flashes.

Dosing recommendations:

30 – 45 minutes before bed:

5-10 mg THC with some CBD such as 1:4 CBD:THC tincture (Cosmic View Slumber)


3:1 CBD:THC tincture (Cosmic View Restore) for those that are not kept awake by CBD

  • Vaginal dryness and atrophy:

Vaginal dryness and atrophy cause significant discomfort and painful sex.  We formulated Viva La V!, a CBD-infused moisturizing balm that protects and rejuvenates intimate skin. 

Dosing recommendations: Apply an approximate dime-size amount of balm to the vulva area.

  • Bone loss:

  • Cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 are expressed in bone and regulate bone homeostasis in rodents and humans. While further studies are needed, CBD treatment has been shown to enhance fracture healing in rats, and reduce markers of bone loss in humans.  So taking CBD on a daily basis may provide an added benefit to maintain strong bones.

Everyone responds differently to cannabis so see what product and dose works best for you!

Nicole Skibola